Dry needling uses the same tools as acupuncture, but they differ in unique ways.
Dry needling...
"Dry needling is a skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular and connective tissues for the management of neuromuscular pain and movement impairments."
Direct stimulation of the muscle dramatically reduces the activity of the muscle fibers, causing the muscle to relax. This releases the tension and decompresses the painful area, resulting in pain relief.
Micro-injuries to an area, caused from the needle penetration, increases blood flow and promotes a new healing process.
Dry needling must be administered by a highly skilled manual therapist with advanced training in anatomy and musculoskeletal function. Our practitioner has over 12 years in her field, and advanced training in needling.
Additionally, the needles carry a very low risk of infection. Prior to needling, the area is sterilized, and gloves are used during treatment.
Some discomfort may be felt during needling, but it is usually short-lived. Soreness following needling is normal, but this does not always occur.
If you are experiencing chronic pain and dysfunction, dry needling can help you!
CONTACT US for more information, and to book your next appointment.